Walking The Tightrope

“Walking The Tightrope – Trusting Your Life To Telemedicine”:

“Walking The Tightrope – Trusting Your Life To Telemedicine” by Dr. Wayne Liebhard takes a close look at the New Age of Telemedicine. Yet another great promise by some to “save” health care in the United States …another panacea? Or is it yet another quagmire? Physicians have a moral and ethical duty to provide their patients with care that is both safe and appropriate, despite any outside pressures they may face. Given the current dominance of government- and corporate-run medicine, are physicians still in a position to be able to honor their ethical duty when it comes to the appropriate use of telemedicine? Or have their employers now taken over control of what you as a patient are offered when it comes to options for your care? Dr. Liebhard’s new book provides answers and a path forward.

“This book is a must-read for all consumers of medical care, as the inside information it provides on how we got here – and how we can use that information to forge a safer future – is invaluable.”   

David Durenberger,  Former U.S. Senator and Director of The National Institute of Health Policy

This book is now available at http://www.Alethospress.com

Walking The Tightrope- Press Release